Christmas Parade 2022!!

New Life Goes Public!!

Thank you
to all that marched in the Annual Haverhill Christmas Parade... kids, helpers, parents, grandparents!! TY Stacie Johnson for the vision to go public and celebrate JESUS on the streets of Haverhill!! Enjoy the video!

Haverhill Christmas Parade 2022

Haverhill Christmas Parade 2022

Special thanks: Stacie and Dan for float design and decoration; Dan Johnson building the float (Steve Swanson and Jack Johnson helped); Ava Johnson for the animal cut-out designs and painting (Ella painted too); Roseanne Bartlett for decorating; James and Danika Carter, video and sound system; Michael McKeown, donating and driving truck and trailer; all at New Life that donated 3,000 pieces of candy (all distributed!!); Aaron Evans who played Joseph and Livia Tomorason who played Mary; and everyone that marched for Jesus!

Special prayer: 2,000 invites (2,000!!) to New Life Services, including Thanksgiving and Christmas Services were directly placed in the hands of people viewing the parade as they lined up on the street. Pray that the Lord will use this contact to speak to peoples' hearts, encourage them to seek God, and visit our church! Pray the Holy Spirit will work powerfully in the hearts of people throughout our community during this Christmas Season!

"For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son,

that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life."

John 3:16