E-letter July 12, 2023

Hi New Life!

Greetings in Jesus' Name! Please be aware of the following information regarding upcoming special events at the church. Make plans now to be there!

~ New Life Art Workshop! Saturday, July 15, 10AM-1PM at the church. All ladies invited. Contact Roseanne Bartlett for details (978) 771-0631

~ Church Picnic on the church grounds, Sunday after church, July 30. This Sunday, July 16, Alan Martineau will be making an announcement  and will have sign-up sheets for many needed volunteers. Please see him at a table near Cafe after church this Sunday.

~ Instant Church Directory is a unique phone app that has proven successful for many churches as a means to introduce each other and connect with the various members of that fellowship. Lee Lincoln will be available each Sunday after church on the front right side of sanctuary to assist you in getting started and up to date with the app. Let's do this!

~ Common Ground Ministries, under the leadership of our former Associate Pastor, Bill Spirdione, will be hosting a community event at their facility located on 194 Winter Street, Haverhill on July 22 and 23. Entitled "Community Uplift", this event will unite various churches and Christian organizations in the community with the goal of effectively ministering to the many local homeless and addicted population. Saturday, July 22, 10AM-3PM; Sunday, July 23, 8AM-12. Music and ministry by "Living Proof" from North Carolina. Food, fellowship, community resources available.

~ Friday, July 21,7PM, Christian Concert at Great Rock Church, Danvers: "Southbound" featuring respected singer/worship composer, Clint Brown.  "Southbound" has been nominated for 6 Dove awards for their latest Christian album. Click link for further info and tickets. https://ecp.ticketleap.com/southbound-lost-and-found-tour/?fbclid=IwAR2xzuS98__AxcIiGkIKpIYBqNhzq_ko-mbp5kdtYq4IC6ajVC4lxurL1qA

Hope your summer is going well thus far! Always remember to keep the Lord in your plans, wherever you are and in whatever you find yourself doing. Your payer life and commitment to the local church is vitally important and necessary for you to stay plugged in and grow in your faith. As you are able, please remember your personal tithes and offerings to the church throughout the summer months. Your faithfulness in this area will be a blessing to the Lord, to New Life, and to yourselves (Malachi 3:8-10)!!  

See YOU at New Life soon!!

All For Jesus,

Pastor Rick and Pamela

PS. So very thankful for the Lord's moving among us each Sunday morning of late. There is definitely a "new wind of the Spirit" blowing in our midst!

 "and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus." Philippians 4:7